The Best Marketing is Doing Great Work...Really!

Maybe it doesn’t seem like marketing to you. But it is.

Doing your work well and exceeding your client’s expectations is one of the best things you can do to further your firm’s reputation. Great work and satisfied clients can lead to repeat business and positive word of mouth. Repeat business could mean little to no proposal work, saving you business development resources, as well as very little ramp up time getting to know your client. You already have some knowledge about the client and can build on that base. Best of all, you are developing a stronger relationship with your client, and in consulting, it is all about relationships.

There’s also the great word of mouth. Many of us ask our friends when we embark on something new – a new contractor, a new car repair shop – or a new consultant. The same is true of clients – they ask their friends and colleagues what their experience has been. Getting a referral from someone trustworthy goes a long way towards validating a firm’s credentials and technical expertise.

There’s also the trust level being developed with your client. You begin to understand what your client is trying to achieve, and the external factors influencing his/her decisions. These factors contribute to a strong relationship built on mutual trust (hopefully!). So while chasing the next big project is exciting and should be done, doing great work and really understanding a client’s needs could lead to a longer and more fruitful relationship, and ultimately more consistent repeat business. So don’t forget the importance of doing great work in your marketing strategy!
